Hassayampa Inn


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Listings start with Health/Well Being/Support, or you can jump to Fraternal/Service organizations, Hobbies/Interests/Social, Business/Networking, Political Parties, Environment/Conservation, or Just Forming/Invitations.

Health/Well Being/Support  
Prescott, Arizona Tri-City and Area 12-Step Meetings 12-Step support group meetings list includes Overeaters, Gamblers, ADD, Toughlove, Emotions, Nicotine, Incest Survivors, Alanon, and more. Support groups, Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery, Alanon, Drugs, Overeaters, ADHD, Toughlove, Sex/Love Addicts, Gamblers, Debtors, Incest Survivors, 12-step,Narcotics Anonymous
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) Unity church
145 S. Arizona,
Tuesdays at noon. 775-0454
Al-Anon Veteran's Administration Hospital Theater Building
5009 Hwy. 89
noon on Thursdays. 445-2768
Al-Ateen Unity Church
145 S Arizona
Mondays, 5:30- 6:30pm
Alliance for the Mentally Ill Support Group Community Health Unit,
East side of of Yavapai Regional Medical hospital, off Division St.
7-8 pm. For specific dates call 445-6254
Alzheimers Caregiver Support Group Trinity Presbyterian Church
630 Park Ave.
Mondays, 10-11:30 am
Child Haven Board of Trustees Back entrance to West Yavapai Guidance Center,
505 S. Cortez
6:30 pm first Thursday of each month. Crises nursery providers. 772-3435
Compassionate Friends Prescott United Methodist Church-Douglas room,
505 W. Gurley,
1:30 pm 2nd Tuesday of ea. month.
For parents who have lost children by by death, for siblings also
778-1950 or 445-0543
Gamblers Anonymous Veteran's Admin. Hospital Rm. 155.
6:30pm Monday, Tuesday & Friday
HIV/AIDS Support Group for women First Thursday of ea. month. Details call 776-4612 or 772-9620
Incest Survivors Anonymous Promises Bookstore, 818 W. Gurley, 7 p.m. Wednesdays 778-9544
Men's Support Group West Yavapai Guidance Center
505 S. Cortez
2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Sponsored by the Peer Counseling program for men's issues only.
Men Valuing Parenting Prescott Child Development Center
1045 W. Whipple St.
6-8 p.m. Tuesdays. Support group for all men in parenting roles. No fee. 717-0090
New Beginnings Foundation Outreach Bereavement Meetings Arizona Ruffner Wakelin Funeral Home,
303 S Cortez,
2nd & 4th Tuesday of ea. month 445-2221
Overeaters Anonymous The Promises Bookstore
818 W. Gurley St.
Mondays 7 p.m.
Parkinson's Support Group Trinity Presbyterian Church
630 Park Ave.
9:30-11 am first & third Thursday of ea. month. 778-2107 or 778-2242
Serenity Seekers Al-Anon Group United Methodist Church, Steed Hall,
505 W. Gurley St.
Mondays at noon
Single Parent Support Group Headstart
935 Division St.,
6:30-8 p.m. Thursdays. 776-9409
Suicide Grief Group West Yavapai Guidance Center,
637 Hillside Ave, Suite #A
6-8 pm every other Monday,
Toughlove Parent Support Group 7:30-9 pm, Mondays.
For parents with troubled childrens
Women of Wisdom (WOW) West Yavapai Guidance Center
505 S. Cortez
10-11:30 am
A support group for senior women in transition. 445-6275
Yavapai Blind Center Ceramics/Crafts Class 440 N. Washington,
1-2:30 pm every Tuesday
Yavapai Exceptional Industries Yavapai Exceptional Industries Group
436 N. Washington at YEI HQ,
5-6:30 p.m. every Wednesday
For traumatic brain injury victims. Work on design skills with local artists. 445-0994
YMRC Cancer survivor's Support Group Unity Church
145 S. Arizona St.
6-7:30 pm 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of ea. month.
YRMC Hospice Children's Bereavement Support Group St. Paul's Anglican Church,
581 Lincoln Ave.
6:30 pm Mondays.
Grief process information for Grades K-12, 759-5910
Fraternal/Service organizations  
BPOE Prescott Elks Lodge #330



6245 E. Hwy. 69. next to Peddler Pass
7 p.m. 1st & 3rd Tuesday ea. month.
Bingo 6:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Fridays. 772-8660
Free & Accepted Masons Aztlan Lodge
1028 Willow Creek Rd
7:30 pm, 2nd Tuesday of ea. month 445-1412
Golden Rule Chapter #1, OES Masonic Temple
1028 Willow Creek Rd
First and third Thursday of ea month. 778-6222
Kiwanis Club of Prescott Early Risers Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive
7am every Friday
Old Kiwanians, new Kiwanians,
interested anybody, all welcome
Noon Lions Club Pine Cone Inn
1245 White Spar Rd.
Wednesday at noon. 445-3095
Optimists Sizzler
520 Miller Valley Rd.
Noon on Wednesdays. 771-8576
Prescott Lioness Club Country Kitchen,
1355 Iron Springs Rd.,
2nd & 4th Mondays at noon
Soroptomists of Prescott Country Kitchen
1355 Iron Springs Rd.
Noon Wednesdays, 2nd-4th weeks are open meetings. 778-5840
Art Critique
Bring up to 3 pieces of your work to be critiqued by other artists
Beyond Words Gallery
204 N. Mc Cormick
First Thursday of the month, 7-9 p.m.
Central Arizona Horseshoe Club Yavapai County Fairgrounds, in Barn A
Every Wednesday noon. 445-2358 or 771-0930
Chosin Few Military Organization Wood Grill Buffet behind Costco
1:30 p.m. first Thursday of ea. month.
For military members who served at the Chosin Reservoir in Korea during November & December of 1950.
Commodore Computer Club Prescott Library, 3rd floor
7 p.m. 445-9755
Gold Wings Road Riders Country Kitchen
1355 Iron Springs Rd.,
First Wednesday of ea. month; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting. 717-2086
Granite Mountain Riders First Tuesday of ea. month at 6:30 p.m.
Location call 445-8975
Mountain Spinners and Weavers Guild Monthly meetings 3rd Saturday at 9:30 AM at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley, turn south at the corner of Hwy 69 and Prescott East Hwy.
For information, call 778-0307.
Mountain Top Quilters Unity Church of Prescott
145 S. Arizona St.
3rd Monday of each month.
Newcomer's Club of Prescott Breakfast Meeting - Denny's in Prescott Valley
Information: 776-7216 or 778-6166
Powerful Beyond Measure A personal storytelling performance group for youths age 12-20. Call 777-0353 for next meeting date.
Prescott Coin Club Lamb Chevrolet
7 p.m. the 1st Wednesday of each month. 778-9362
Prescott Garden Club 50 Juniper Dr.
2 pm on Mondays,
445-4738 for dates
Prescott Non-Smoking Singles Dine-Out Country Kitchen
1317 E. Gurley
6 p.m. Wednesday for food and companionship in a smoking free environment. 772-4363
Prescott Stamp Club Prescott Community Church
3151 Willow Creek Rd.
7-9 p.m. first and third Tuesday of ea. month. Speakers and auctions 771-1925 or 445-4522
Prescott Travel Club Prescott Library 3rd floor
first Monday each month at 3:30 p.m.
776-0277 or 717-2387
Professional Writers of Prescott Meets fourth Wednesdays
See Web page for details
Retired Railroader Group Pine Cone Inn,
1245 White Spar Rd.
Retired railroad employees & spouses welcome. Call for specific dates 778-3122
Smile High Toastmasters Prescott Christian Church,
501 S Senator Hwy.,
6:45 pm Mondays
772-4495 or 632-8226
69 Corridor Concerned Citizens Yavapai Hills Clubhouse,
4975 Hornet Dr.
7 pm 1st Monday Various topics and speakers.
Society for Creative Anachronism See Web page for details
Sunshine Stitchers 1306 Stetson Rd.
12:45-2:45 pm 2nd & 4th Monday of ea. month.
Sweet Adelines for girls 12-18 YMCA
750 Whipple St.
Practice Mondays 3-5pm
Teen Families Together 6-8 pm every Monday night. Potluck, fun, food & learning, transporation provided.
Jacqui 771-2340
Toastmasters #104 Prescott Unity Church
145 S. Arizona
6:30 am Tuesdays
Improve your speaking and presentation skills. Guests welcome. 771-9944
Yavapai Needles Knitting Guild Williamson Valley Baptist Church,
Williamson Valley Rd and Merrill St.
1-3 pm Mondays, Beginners to Experts welcome.
Business Network International Country Kitchen
1355 Iron Springs Rd.
Tuesdays. 11:45 am
Prescott Connections \Business networking group breakfast. Details on joining 772-3901
Open Space Alliance of Yavapai County Forest Service Office
344 S. Cortez
First Tuesday noon each month
Just Forming/Invitations  
Arizona Pioneer's Home - Non-profit association expanding to support the historic Arizona Pioneers' Home. Seeking new members and community support. Call for information 445-2181, Melissa Tenney or Loren Marsters. Email info requests to azpiohm@aztec.asu.edu.  
Prescott Youth Orchestra Starting - Ages 8-16 Call 445-3269 to audition  
Tri-City Youth Alliance - Calling all teens, pre-teens and adults to help do something about drugs, gangs, and peer pressure 713-4435  
Yavapai Youth Choir, Inc. - Seeking new members ages 6-12 for 2 choirs. Jan Heynen 772-1218  
We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of these listings.
Call to confirm before attending an event.
All area codes 520