Health/Well Being/Support |
Prescott, Arizona Tri-City and
Area 12-Step Meetings |
12-Step support group meetings list includes Overeaters, Gamblers, ADD, Toughlove,
Emotions, Nicotine, Incest Survivors, Alanon, and more. Support groups, Alcoholics
Anonymous, Recovery, Alanon, Drugs, Overeaters, ADHD, Toughlove, Sex/Love Addicts,
Gamblers, Debtors, Incest Survivors, 12-step,Narcotics Anonymous |
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) |
Unity church
145 S. Arizona,
Tuesdays at noon. 775-0454 |
Al-Anon |
Veteran's Administration Hospital Theater Building
5009 Hwy. 89
noon on Thursdays. 445-2768 |
Al-Ateen |
Unity Church
145 S Arizona
Mondays, 5:30- 6:30pm
776-7241 |
Alliance for the Mentally Ill Support Group |
Community Health Unit,
East side of of Yavapai Regional Medical hospital, off Division St.
7-8 pm. For specific dates call 445-6254 |
Alzheimers Caregiver Support Group |
Trinity Presbyterian Church
630 Park Ave.
Mondays, 10-11:30 am
771-9257 |
Child Haven Board of Trustees |
Back entrance to West Yavapai Guidance Center,
505 S. Cortez
6:30 pm first Thursday of each month. Crises nursery providers. 772-3435 |
Compassionate Friends |
Prescott United Methodist Church-Douglas room,
505 W. Gurley,
1:30 pm 2nd Tuesday of ea. month.
For parents who have lost children by by death, for siblings also
778-1950 or 445-0543 |
Gamblers Anonymous |
Veteran's Admin. Hospital Rm. 155.
6:30pm Monday, Tuesday & Friday
636-6033 |
HIV/AIDS Support Group for women |
First Thursday of ea. month. Details call 776-4612 or 772-9620 |
Incest Survivors Anonymous |
Promises Bookstore, 818 W. Gurley, 7 p.m. Wednesdays 778-9544 |
Men's Support Group |
West Yavapai Guidance Center
505 S. Cortez
2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Sponsored by the Peer Counseling program for men's issues
only. |
Men Valuing Parenting |
Prescott Child Development Center
1045 W. Whipple St.
6-8 p.m. Tuesdays. Support group for all men in parenting roles. No fee. 717-0090 |
New Beginnings Foundation Outreach Bereavement Meetings |
Arizona Ruffner Wakelin Funeral Home,
303 S Cortez,
2nd & 4th Tuesday of ea. month 445-2221 |
Overeaters Anonymous |
The Promises Bookstore
818 W. Gurley St.
Mondays 7 p.m.
776-1794 |
Parkinson's Support Group |
Trinity Presbyterian Church
630 Park Ave.
9:30-11 am first & third Thursday of ea. month. 778-2107 or 778-2242 |
Serenity Seekers Al-Anon Group |
United Methodist Church, Steed Hall,
505 W. Gurley St.
Mondays at noon |
Single Parent Support Group |
935 Division St.,
6:30-8 p.m. Thursdays. 776-9409 |
Suicide Grief Group |
West Yavapai Guidance Center,
637 Hillside Ave, Suite #A
6-8 pm every other Monday,
445-6275 |
Toughlove Parent Support Group |
7:30-9 pm, Mondays.
For parents with troubled childrens
771-7163 |
Women of Wisdom (WOW) |
West Yavapai Guidance Center
505 S. Cortez
10-11:30 am
A support group for senior women in transition. 445-6275 |
Yavapai Blind Center Ceramics/Crafts Class |
440 N. Washington,
1-2:30 pm every Tuesday
778-0055 |
Yavapai Exceptional Industries |
Yavapai Exceptional Industries Group
436 N. Washington at YEI HQ,
5-6:30 p.m. every Wednesday
For traumatic brain injury victims. Work on design skills with local artists. 445-0994 |
YMRC Cancer survivor's Support Group |
Unity Church
145 S. Arizona St.
6-7:30 pm 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of ea. month.
759-5900 |
YRMC Hospice Children's Bereavement Support Group |
St. Paul's Anglican Church,
581 Lincoln Ave.
6:30 pm Mondays.
Grief process information for Grades K-12, 759-5910 |
Fraternal/Service organizations |
BPOE Prescott Elks Lodge #330
6245 E. Hwy. 69. next to Peddler Pass
7 p.m. 1st & 3rd Tuesday ea. month.
Bingo 6:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Fridays. 772-8660 |
Free & Accepted Masons |
Aztlan Lodge
1028 Willow Creek Rd
7:30 pm, 2nd Tuesday of ea. month 445-1412 |
Golden Rule Chapter #1, OES |
Masonic Temple
1028 Willow Creek Rd
First and third Thursday of ea month. 778-6222 |
Kiwanis Club of Prescott Early Risers |
Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive
7am every Friday
Old Kiwanians, new Kiwanians,
interested anybody, all welcome
776-8388 |
Noon Lions Club |
Pine Cone Inn
1245 White Spar Rd.
Wednesday at noon. 445-3095 |
Optimists |
520 Miller Valley Rd.
Noon on Wednesdays. 771-8576 |
Prescott Lioness Club |
Country Kitchen,
1355 Iron Springs Rd.,
2nd & 4th Mondays at noon
778-7678 |
Soroptomists of Prescott |
Country Kitchen
1355 Iron Springs Rd.
Noon Wednesdays, 2nd-4th weeks are open meetings. 778-5840 |
Hobbies/Interests/Social |
Art Critique
Bring up to 3 pieces of your work to be critiqued by other artists |
Beyond Words Gallery
204 N. Mc Cormick
First Thursday of the month, 7-9 p.m.
778-2713 |
Central Arizona Horseshoe Club |
Yavapai County Fairgrounds, in Barn A
Every Wednesday noon. 445-2358 or 771-0930 |
Chosin Few Military Organization |
Wood Grill Buffet behind Costco
1:30 p.m. first Thursday of ea. month.
For military members who served at the Chosin Reservoir in Korea during November
& December of 1950. |
Commodore Computer Club |
Prescott Library, 3rd floor
7 p.m. 445-9755 |
Gold Wings Road Riders |
Country Kitchen
1355 Iron Springs Rd.,
First Wednesday of ea. month; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting. 717-2086 |
Granite Mountain Riders |
First Tuesday of ea. month at 6:30 p.m.
Location call 445-8975 |
Mountain Spinners and Weavers Guild |
Monthly meetings 3rd Saturday at 9:30 AM at the Elks Lodge in Prescott Valley, turn
south at the corner of Hwy 69 and Prescott East Hwy.
For information, call 778-0307. |
Mountain Top Quilters |
Unity Church of Prescott
145 S. Arizona St.
3rd Monday of each month.
771-0314 |
Newcomer's Club of Prescott |
Breakfast Meeting - Denny's in Prescott Valley
Information: 776-7216 or 778-6166 |
Powerful Beyond Measure |
A personal storytelling performance group for youths age 12-20. Call 777-0353 for
next meeting date. |
Prescott Coin Club |
Lamb Chevrolet
7 p.m. the 1st Wednesday of each month. 778-9362 |
Prescott Garden Club |
50 Juniper Dr.
2 pm on Mondays,
445-4738 for dates |
Prescott Non-Smoking Singles Dine-Out |
Country Kitchen
1317 E. Gurley
6 p.m. Wednesday for food and companionship in a smoking free environment. 772-4363 |
Prescott Stamp Club |
Prescott Community Church
3151 Willow Creek Rd.
7-9 p.m. first and third Tuesday of ea. month. Speakers and auctions 771-1925 or
445-4522 |
Prescott Travel Club |
Prescott Library 3rd floor
first Monday each month at 3:30 p.m.
776-0277 or 717-2387 |
Professional Writers of Prescott |
Meets fourth Wednesdays
See Web page for details |
Retired Railroader Group |
Pine Cone Inn,
1245 White Spar Rd.
Retired railroad employees & spouses welcome. Call for specific dates 778-3122 |
Smile High Toastmasters |
Prescott Christian Church,
501 S Senator Hwy.,
6:45 pm Mondays
772-4495 or 632-8226 |
69 Corridor Concerned Citizens |
Yavapai Hills Clubhouse,
4975 Hornet Dr.
7 pm 1st Monday Various topics and speakers.
771-8256 |
Society for Creative Anachronism |
See Web page for details |
Sunshine Stitchers |
1306 Stetson Rd.
12:45-2:45 pm 2nd & 4th Monday of ea. month. |
Sweet Adelines for girls 12-18 |
750 Whipple St.
Practice Mondays 3-5pm
772-8104 |
Teen Families Together |
6-8 pm every Monday night. Potluck, fun, food & learning, transporation provided.
Jacqui 771-2340 |
Toastmasters #104 |
Prescott Unity Church
145 S. Arizona
6:30 am Tuesdays
Improve your speaking and presentation skills. Guests welcome. 771-9944 |
Yavapai Needles Knitting Guild |
Williamson Valley Baptist Church,
Williamson Valley Rd and Merrill St.
1-3 pm Mondays, Beginners to Experts welcome.
771-2679 |
Business/Networking |
Business Network International |
Country Kitchen
1355 Iron Springs Rd.
Tuesdays. 11:45 am
541-7803 |
Prescott Connections |
\Business networking group breakfast. Details on joining 772-3901 |
Environment/Conservation |
Open Space Alliance of Yavapai County |
Forest Service Office
344 S. Cortez
First Tuesday noon each month |
Just Forming/Invitations |
Arizona Pioneer's Home - Non-profit association expanding to support the historic
Arizona Pioneers' Home. Seeking new members and community support. Call for information
445-2181, Melissa Tenney or Loren Marsters. Email info requests to |
Prescott Youth Orchestra Starting - Ages 8-16 Call 445-3269 to audition |
Tri-City Youth Alliance - Calling all teens, pre-teens and adults to help do something
about drugs, gangs, and peer pressure 713-4435 |
Yavapai Youth Choir, Inc. - Seeking new members ages 6-12 for 2 choirs. Jan Heynen
772-1218 |